Tuesday, September 25, 2012

5.Working With Spreadsheets

Purpose: To get familiar with electronic spreadsheets by using them in some simple applications.

Equipment: Computer with EXCEL software.

Part 1:

Create a simple spreadsheet that calculates the values of the following function:


Initially choose value for of A= 5, B= 3 and C= π/3 (1.047).

Create a column for values of x that run from zero to 10 radians in steps of 0.1 radians. Similarly, create in the next column the corresponding values of f(x) by copying the formula shown above down through the same number of rows (100 in roll).

Then copy and paste our data into the graphing program. Put appropriate labels on the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph. Use Curve Fit to find a function that best fit the data.

The best fit function: y= 5Sin(3x +1.05)-1.49×10^(-10)

Part 2:

Repeat the above process for a spreadsheet that calculates the position of a freely falling particle as a function of time. Start off with g= 9.8m/s^2, vo= 50m/s, xo= 1000m and △t= 0.2s.

The formula for free fall: f(t)= ro+vo△t+(1/2)a(△t)^2

We assuming the direction of vo positive.

(i)When g is positive:

f(t)=1000+ 50t+ (1/2)× 9.8t^2

Use Curve Fit to find a function that best fit the data:

The best fit function: f(t)= 4.9t^2+ 50t+ 1000

(ii)When g is positive:

f(t)=1000+ 50t+ (1/2)× (-9.8)t^2

Use Curve Fit to find a function that best fit the data:
The best fit function: f(t)= (-4.9)t^2+ 50t+ 1000

Question: How do data from part 1 and part 2 compare to the values we start with in our spreadsheet?

In part 1, we compare the data(A=5, B=3, C=1.05) from Curve Fit to the values(A=5, B=3, C=1.047) that we start with in our spreadsheet. In part 2, we do the same thing as initial values are "g= 9.8m/s^2, vo= 50m/s, xo= 1000m and △t= 0.2s". We find that the data from Curve fit are almost the same to the initial values.

In this experiment we use excel spreadsheet to solve the problem.

We find that the data from Curve fit are almost the same to the initial values. This experiment helps us to have many data and efficiently do the formulas. 

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